Maruti Suzuki Auditions of Colors of Youth 4 and Online Registration

Colors of youth are one of the best youth talent based show. This is a unique initiative by Maruti Suzuki to hunt for India’s most talented and versatile youth amongst all B-Schools and Professional Colleges.
Do you think you are best to mix talent & you have different talent from other people and your college has the most versatile managers in making? Maruti Suzuki Colors of youth parented by MTV Invite you to showcase your talent a plate form of Colors of Youth Season 4.
Maruti Suzuki Colors of Youth Season 4 Online WILDCARD ENTRY Form
You can showcase your talent in allowing categories like Music, Dance, Others like Stand-up comedy, painting, mimicry, et al. At the end of all, someone will emerge as India’s Most Versatile Youth Icon. Maruti Suzuki Colors of Youth Season 4 Judges is NIKHIL CHINAPA & PERIZAAD ZORABIAN.
Maruti Suzuki Colors of Youth Season 4 auditions are finished but WILDCARD ENTRY is going on here’s chance to the most versatile youth icon by showcasing your talent on Maruti Suzuki Colors of Youth by upload a video of you displaying your multiple talents.
You are missed Colors of youth season 4 audition No Worries you have golden chance to direct participate in Grand Finale. Just Upload your multiple talents bu our Website link and you can get the chance for direct perform in a grand finale so why? You are waiting for Click on Our Link and Upload your Video Yourself.
Maruti Suzuki Auditions Colors of Youth Season 4 Online Audition form For WILDCARD ENTRY : Click Here
Note : Any Query for Wildcard entry to contact Us : Toll-Free – 1800 110 026 / Email – [email protected] / Fax No.-011 25705423