How to do Voot’s ‘Go Fun Yourself’ Registration

Go Fun Yourself is a new show on Voot. It is a new way of entertainment during the quarantine period. To know more about the show Go Fun Yourself stick around the page. How to do Go Fun Yourself Registration and win Exciting prizes on Voot.
Voot Go Fun Yourself Concept
The concept of the show Go Fun Yourself is completely unique. It is all about entertainment and fun. Every week there will be a challenge given and the participants have to upload their video doing the challenge on Voot.
One of the popular Dancing show ‘Dance Deewane‘ back with the new season. The new Season registration form is also available on Voot.
Officially Voot describes the show as, “Done and dusted with all possible tricks to make this Quarantine interesting? We’ve got something for you #AsliFans! Get on live chats with celebrities and get all the dope what’s trending! What’s more? Our host Kusha will give you a challenge and all you have to do is sending in your quirkiest enters that tickle a funny bone because FUN HAI TOH DONE HAI.”

How to do Go Fun Yourself Registration?
The procedure of registration for Go Fun Yourself.
- Visit the official website of Voot (Registration Form).
- Type ‘Go Fun Yourself’
- There you will be finding ‘Record Now’. Click on it a registration form will open.
- Fill your details like Name, Mobile Number, Email Id, Instagram Profile link, Twitter Profile Link, and Upload your video.
- Read and agree with all the terms and conditions.
- And click on submit.
Your registration will be done!
Go Fun Yourself Host by Kusha Kapila
The unique show this quarantine will be hosted by the popular Kusha Kapila. She will be giving the challenge every week to perform.
With the description, “Harr hafte ek naya challenge, ek naya winner and ek naya entertainment laati rahengi Kween Kusha Kapila!”
Exciting prizes for Go Fun Yourself
The winner of the show will be receiving exciting prizes. As the host always says Fun Hai Toh Done Hai.
All you have to do it record your video based on the challenge given and get the entertainment level up.
Weekly Wining Prize: 1 iPhone 11 or such other equivalent smartphone (Not more than INR 65,000/- (Indian Rupees Sixty Five Thousand only)
Go Fun Yourself Criteria
There are no such criteria for the show. However, the host of the show says that the only criteria is to make it fun.
Kusha, the host of the show has already given the challenge of the week. The name of the challenge is #KyaBola. According which you have to talk to inanimate object around your house.
All you have to do it speak with the object, add your creativity and make it complete fun.
The lucky winner will get a chance to win a brand new iPhone 11. The winner of this challenge will be announced in the upcoming episode of the show on Voot.
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